How to Avoid Car Accidents

In this blog entry, the towing and vehicle recovery experts here at Chicago Towing will detail the top reasons that car accidents occur, and the best ways you can stay safe driving and avoid them.

Lackluster Vehicle Maintenance

If your car is in poor condition and hasn’t been maintained well – including issues such as worn down tires, regularly overheating engines, radiator issues, shock problems, or broken car mirrors – you shou;dn’t take in on the road as it can be dangerous. Ensure your tires and engines, and other vehicle parts, are working properly before driving.

Rear End Collisions

This common accident occurs when people don’t have a good amount of distance between the car behind or in front of them. Its common that the rear driver is liable for this accident, as they’ve driven too close to the front car. Make sure you leave a time distance of 3 seconds to pass through the same area as the car in front of you, and that your brake lights are working properly.

Red Light Accidents

Crossing through a red light is a common cause of car accidents. Always follow all traffic rules and make sure nobody is approaching the intersection as you cross it – and be careful approaching yellow lights! It’s not a bad idea to be careful and aware when crossing green lights as well.

Weather Condition Based Accidents

Rainy, snowy, and slippery roads can cause accidents due to hydroplaning. Worn out tires make this more of a risk. Thick fog is another common weather based issue that causes accidents. You can avoid these issues by ensuring proper maintenance of your vehicle, checking that your tires are in safe condition, and driving slowly in bad weather.

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