9 Worst Driving Mistakes

Driving, even if it’s an every activity, should ALWAYS be handled with the utmost care. Drivers really often lose sight of just how dangerous it is. The expert towing service technicians at Chicago Towing understand just how vital it is to pay close attention to how you drive, which is why they prepared the following list of the top 9 driving NOs; make sure that you never, ever, break these 9 rules of driving safely.

Driving when Drowsy

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety estimate that over twenty percent of vehicle related fatalities involve an amount of drowsiness or sleepiness on the part of the driver. Avoid driving when you’re uncontrollably sleepy – and if you are, get some caffeine in you and only drive it it effectively wakes you up, or take a restorative nap before you get behind the wheel again.

Don’t Put on Makeup or Primp

This should be obvious but it’s really not – there’s been many documented cases of drivers getting into accidents for primping, looking in the mirror, and even shaving (!!) while driving a moving vehicle. Don’t make this mistake; keep your eyes on the road, and both hands on the wheel at all times.

Don’t take Photos or Text

For similar reasons for the anti-primping rules, never text or take pictures, or otherwise operate your phone or mobile device while driving. Many accidents are caused by this common distraction. Enable hands free options for calls or text transcription (only if you absolutely have to- for reasons listed below,) or simply wait till you’re parked safely to use your phone.

Never Drive under the Influence

It’s a fact that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (including prescription or over the counter medication that leaves you drowsy) is incredibly dangerous. Just never do it. Ever.

Hands-Free isn’t exactly Safe

Hands free devices might free up your ability to keep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road, but they still pose a brain distraction that inhibits their ability to react quickly to driving phenomenon. While they seem like they might help you drive safely while talking on the phone or composing texts, they aren’t safe – driving really requires you to keep your brain focused on safety and awareness of everything around your car at all times.

Road Rage

Allowing yourself to succumb to road rage while driving isn’t just stressful, it’s dangerous. Learn ways to relax so you can focus on what’s actually important – driving safely and with full awareness. Train yourself with breathing exercises so you can allow stress to pass over you like water off a duck’s back – it will allow you to be a safer and better driver – and also improve the quality of your life!

Never Tailgate

Don’t draft or tailgate behind large vehicles like tractor trailers or trucks – while it may cut down air resistance and help you save an amount of your car’s gas, the required close distance between your vehicle and the ahead vehicle’s bumper limits your business and is simply too dangerous to allow.

Messing with Car Systems

The reaction time limits posed by distracting yourself by operating the radio or internal car systems causes you to lose focus and risk dangerous driving. Make sure to adjust all internal systems of the car to your desire before you start driving so that you can make sure you stay completely focused on your route.

Driving through Flooded Areas

Crossing flooded roadways is incredibly dangerous since often rushing water might look relaxed but is actually subject to immense pressure and velocity. Just don’t take a chance and try to cross a flooded roadway. Driving should be handled conservatively and minimal chances should be taken; so if you find yourself by a flooded roadway that seems risky, don’t chance it, and instead find an alternative route around it, or backtrack and get on a non-flooded road.

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