What to do if Cars Get Stuck in Mud

Here at Chicago Towing, we regularly provide professional Chicago roadside assistance service and Chicago vehicle recovery service to clients who have vehicles that have gotten stuck in mud or off embankments. In this blog entry, the Chicago vehicle recovery service team at Chicago Towing will detail some fantastic tips for what to do if your cars ever get stuck in the mud.

Advance Preparation

If you live in an area where you know you have a risk of being impacted by flash flooding or mudslides, make sure to avoid leaving your home in your vehicle without items like shovels. There’s foldable shovels that get the job done great. We also recommend investing in a tow strap – which should only be attached to the vehicle’s frame, and never its bumper or body.

Safe Handling

If your vehicle gets stuck inside the mud, we don’t recommend pressing the gas pedal hard. This will get you more stuck and damage your car’s axles, tires, and transmission.

Digging Around Wheels

Try digging as much mud around the wheels of your vehicle as possible. Use your hands to do this even if you don’t have a shovel.


Once you’ve moved mud from around your tires, fill up the remaining gaps with rocks, sticks, leaves, wood, or cardboard. If you can’t find this, try using your vehicle’s rubber floor mats. The idea is to place as much dry material as possible in front of every wheel.

Professional Towing Assistance

Contact a professional towing company, like the Chicago vehicle recovery experts here at Chicago Towing, for expert, high-quality, instant assistance.

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